Data protection information
1. About company
2. Company representative
3. Reponsible person for safety
4. Activities
* Please choose the activities you would like to perform:
Previous experience in performing these activities (references):
5. Documentation
* Which of the following documents do you have available? (the documents must be submit to the Client without delay at the Client´s request)
6. Safety Management
* Information related to Safety Management System in your company. (mark to confirm validity)
7. Accidents
* Do you have a procedure for reporting employee injuries and accidents?
* Have the authorities been imposing a fine for your company for breaching health, safety and environment regulations in the last 5 years? (please provide details)
8. Contact (responsible) person from VÁPENKA VITOŠOV s.r.o.
9. Notes
Here you have opportunity to make any comments related with prequalification process:
10. Statement by the person completing this form
* I hereby certify that the above information given in the prequalification questionnaire are true and correct. I am committed to notify any changing work procedure, changing personnel or equipment.